Sunday, October 21, 2012

Words Times Two

Eloise has just started using more than one word to really express what she wants. It is usually just two words together like "go outside" or "play trains" or "open/close it", but today as we were choosing her clothes for the day, she pointed to a top and said, "how about that?"

It amazes me that she can hear me say something, store the saying in her memory bank and repeat it at another time in a way that makes sense. I know that children learn to talk through observation but let me tell you, it's pretty incredible to watch the process unfold. Eloise is a chatterbox from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep and throughout the day she asks for things by name and tells us what she needs. She is starting to speak with more clarity too, though we're learning that 'r' sounds aren't really her thing.

I can hardly wait until she turns out full sentences. Or maybe I can.

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