Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Dear Eloise,

You were four two weeks ago and it's taken me since then to figure out how to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am to be your Mama.

It find it amazing the way you make friends wherever we go. With other children at the park you are confident and kind, and it is wonderful to watch you introduce yourself and join in on whatever game is in play. People are drawn to you and no matter where we are you strike up a conversation with friends and strangers, telling them wild stories and sharing anything and everything that comes into your head.

You love to dance and sing and we often have kitchen dance parties to everything from Disney songs to Bruno Mars and Beyonce. I love watching you move to music and am amazed by the way you can take a tune and make up a song. Your 'hip dance' never fails to make me laugh but in all seriousness, you have a natural talent for dancing that has really blossomed this year. You love your ballet class with Ruby and I can hardly wait to see you on stage this year.

While three was not without it's challenges, you taught me to be more patient. I'm sorry for being too hard on you sometimes and that I was not as empathetic as you needed. I am sorry for yelling and I know that we both benefit from taking deep breaths together when emotions run high. I appreciate what a good listener you are becoming and how easily you understand the difference between right and wrong.

Eloise, you are dazzling. Your spirit is bright, your energy is contagious and we are so proud of the little person you have become. Four is going to be a good year.

xo Mama

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