Monday, May 11, 2015


Dear Spencer,

Today you are one making this, hands down, the quickest year I have ever experienced. The days flew by, the weeks vanished and somehow in the last few months you have grown a little each day to become more boy than baby.

You arrived in this world on Mother's Day last year at 6:46pm and I will never forget the moment Daddy said, "It's a boy," and we both cried. I was scared for your birth but it was so joyful and as soon as I held you the only feelings I had were love and excitement at this opportunity to be your mama. This year was a hectic one for me as I learned what it was to be a mom and business owner at the same time and I can't help but feel that the universe delivered you to us for a reason. You are an angel baby. Your calm, easy going nature and happy disposition from day one made the transition to a family of four so much easier. You slept, you ate, you made life more joyful.

Spency, you have brought so much happiness to Daddy and I, but even more to your sister. Eloise wished for you long before you were born and every single day it makes me smile to see the love between you. Thank you for choosing our family, we love you very much, sweet boy.

xo Mama

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