Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Few of my Favourite Things

When I was pregnant there were all these things I felt that I neeeeded to have. The rocker, bouncer, carriers, sling, strollers, toys, clothes, more clothes ... the list went on and on. In reality though our 650 square foot apartment just didn't have the space so the list was cut pretty quickly and in the end my must haves were fairly conservative. Also, I hate clutter.

There were definitely a few things we could have done without but more important are the things that we have used almost daily. I first posted my must haves when Eloise was just a month old, but she has grown and changed so much since then and so have our needs. Here are my current favourites:

Prince Lionheart Warmies Wipes Warmer

Chris laughs, but I love this gadget so much. The wipes warmer is hands down the best non-essential baby purchase we made. People tried to sway me from it, but I am so glad I insisted. Warm wipes are always at the ready and go right into the pail for washing with my diapers. So effective for 'big' jobs, so much nicer than a cold wipe first thing in the morning.

Lancome Concealer

Sleep depravation is no joke, people, and no one looks good after an all-nighter. Except maybe a baby. It boggles my mind that some women choose to forgo under eye concealer, for me it is one of the things that helps me feel like a human being no matter how exhausted I am. Lancome waterproof undereye concealer is a godsend.

Medela Swing Breast Pump

I don't actually use my breast pump anymore but I cannot even express (ha ha) how essential it was in the beginning. I used it multiple times a day (milk production was definitely not as issue for me), took it it with me to weddings when I started back to work and was able to stockpile milk so I could leave my breastfed baby with someone else. Hello baby-free vacation in Mexico!

Looking like a cross between a jellyfish and an alien space ship, this drying rack holds almost all our bottles at once and conveniently stores a bottle brush in the centre. It's not too ugly to have on the counter and makes bottle cleaning (worst job) much easier and more organized.

Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddles

Eloise was a swaddle-baby. She couldn't have her arms tucked in, but a nice swaddle up to her armpits and she was right to sleep. Over the months our muslin swaddles have become the perfect all purpose blankets: stroller shade, nursing cover, pack & play sheet and summer coverlet. These blankets are essential.

Cloud b Sleep Sheep

Chris and I may enjoy being soothed to sleep by 'Sleepy Sheepy' as much as Eloise. We really loved this when we were trying to establish a bedtime routine and now when Eloise hears it she says, "shhh..." My only issue with the sheep is that it doesn't last for longer than 45 minutes which, let me tell you, is not long enough.


From very early on Eloise has been attached to a sweet Piglet peep (our name for a stuffy, lovey, coined by Molly). "Piggy" must be there to nuzzle under her arm as she sleeps and she carts him around everywhere. Yesterday Eloise informed me that "Piggy" is in fact a boy (I was never sure) and I have a feeling this peep will be going everywhere with Eloise for a very long time. I may or may not still keep my security blanket Pinky rather close by ... you know, for emergencies.

Hauck Alpha Chair

We really wanted Eloise to be at the table with us at mealtime and this highchair does just that. It's certainly not fancy but it slides right up to the table, coordinates with our dining set and will adjust as Eloise grows, eventually become a 'big girl' chair. I use a Summer Infant Tiny Diner mat on the table in place of a tray.

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